At Grange Park Primary School, we passionately believe that with the right support, all children can and will learn to read.
Read, Write Inc is the phonics program we use to teach early reading.
RWI is a consistent, rigorous and dynamic literacy program to teach every child to read by the age of six. Using synthetic phonics, children learn to blend letter sounds together following a fun and effective programme. The RWI programme has been proven to be a very successful method of teaching every child to read and write using phonics.
Set One Sounds are introduced in Nursery and Reception, and the remaining 40+ sounds are taught throughout Year 1 and 2. We regularly use informal assessment methods to check the children are given appropriate work and support to ensure they reach their full potential.
For more information, please visit the Ruth Miskin website and the Oxford Owl website where you will find videos, e-books and a wealth of resources to support phonics at home.