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Year 5

Summer 2 2025


Summer 1 2025


Spring 2 2025


Spring 1 2025


Autumn 2 2024


Autumn 1 2024


Archive letters





Letter regarding reading books and chromebooks 2024

Talents and Interests Assembly 2024

Widening Horizons Event 2024

Walton on the Naze Trip 10.06.24

Cuffley Camp April 2024Year 5 Mosque Trip 29.2.24

Year 5 Forest School 01.2024

Year 5 Tower of London Trip 12.1.24Science Workshop 3.11.2023

Voice in a million 20.3.2024

Year 5 Viking Workshop 9.10.2023

Widening Horizons 12.6.2023

Y5 VIAM Coach Travel Letter -  24.01.2023

Cuffley Camp Residential Letter - 12.10.2022

VIAM - Year 5 Letter Home 31.10.22

Home Learning during the holidays 15.07.2022

Year 5 Classes 22/23 12.07.2022

Talents and Interests Assembly 29.06.2022

Dance Showcase at the Summer Fayre (Y1-Y5) 15.06.2022

Year 5 Walton on the Naze Trip 06.06.2022

Teaching of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in Summer 2 06.06.2022

Toscana Strings concert for all children in years 1-6 11.05.2022

Y5 Half Term Summer Camp - Enfield Grammar School 17.05.2022

Online Safety Letter 22.04.2022

Year 5 Cuffley Camp Residential: 31st March to 1st April 2022

Talents and Interests Assembly 14.03.2021

KS2 Maths Parent Workshop letter 02.03.2022

EMS flyer Summer 2022

Free Instrument lessons for Pupil Premium children with Enfield Music Service (EMS) Summer 2022

Enfield Music Service (EMS) lessons starting Summer 2022

Neptune class- no longer in bubbles from Wednesday 9 February 2022 07.02.2022

Mercury class- no longer in bubbles from today 07.02.2022

Positive case in Jupiter class 26.01.2022

Saturn class- no longer in bubbles from today 26.01.2022

Several cases of COVID-19 in Mercury Class 18.01.2022

Several cases of COVID-19 in Saturn Class 18.01.2022

Positive cases in Saturn class 17.01.2022

Positive cases in Neptune class 17.01.2022

NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. online programme 10.01.2022

Positive case of COVID19 - Mercury class 22.11.2021

Letter to Jupiter class 08.11.2021

Curriculum letter to Year 5 05.11.2021

Year 5 Parental swimming letter

Science workshop: Black Holes 01.11.2021

Positive case of Covid in Jupiter class 18.10.2021

Positive case of Covid in Neptune class 01.10.2021

Learning Conversations Autumn 2021 24.09.2021

Come Learn With Me: Autumn 2021

PE days 03.09.2021

Bug Club Letter 16.07.2021

Letter to Mercury Class 20.07.2021

Use of 1:1 pupil Chromebooks during summer holidays 19.07.2021 

Online safety 07.07.2021

The Curious Mathematicians' Club

Dame Alice Owen's entrance exam - Year 5

The Big Ask assembly 29.04.2021

The Curious Mathematicians' Club

Cuffley Camp Residential Trip 

Musical Aptitude Test - Ashmole Academy 

St Andrew the Apostle - details regarding an event for new school building

St Andrew the Apostle flyer

Mill Hill County High School - Aptitude Tests for Year 7 September 2022 entry

Pea Green Boat parent letter 08.03.2021

Enfield Music Service (EMS) online lessons in Summer 2021

Letter to Neptune 22.12.2020

Letter to Saturn 18.12.2020

Year 5 letter phone usage 4.09.2020

Letter to parents Y1 to Y6

Using Google Classroom Y1 to Y6