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Special Educational Needs

At Grange Park, we want all children to feel included and to enjoy their time at school with us in order to thrive and pave the way to a successful adulthood.

We are an inclusive school and are fully committed to meeting the needs of those children with SEND as is reasonably practicable and compatible with the provision of the efficient education of other pupils. In meeting these responsibilities, we have due regard to the SEN Code of Practice 2014 and the Disability Discrimination Act 2001.

Like all schools, Grange Park follows the assess, plan, do, review cycle to ensure a clear pathway is upstanding to identify and support any learning needs.

Our SEND Referral Pathway can be found at the bottom of this page for your information along with information about the assess, plan, do, review cycle in the SEND Information Report, should you wish to see this in greater detail. If you would like to contact our SENCO, Sonia Litherland, please email 


Also, it is important that parents and carers are fully aware of Enfield's Local Offer to support children with SEND. Below is the link to the offer which also provides a wealth of support for parents, please click on the link below:

Enfield's Local Offer for Children with SEND