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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health and Wellbeing at Grange Park Primary School

At Grange Park Primary School, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff to ensure that the school is a community where everyone is able to thrive. Positive mental wellbeing is essential if children and young people are able to flourish and lead fulfilling lives.

At our school, we know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play. 

Two key elements to support good mental health are:

  • Feeling Good – experiencing positive emotions like happiness, contentment and enjoyment. Including feelings like curiosity, engagement and safety.

  • Functioning Well – how a person is able to function in the world, this includes positive relationships and social connections, as well as feeling in control of your life and having a sense of purpose.

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What we do at school

Our role in school is to ensure that children are able to manage times of change and stress, and that they are supported to reach their potential or access help when they need it. Children are taught when to seek help, what help is available, and the likely outcome of seeking support so that they have the confidence and knowledge for themselves or others. We also have a role to ensure that children learn about what they can do to maintain positive mental health, what affects their mental health and how they can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. As part of our targeted provision we have and continue to access, outside help and support for pupils when required.

At our school, we promote a mentally healthy environment through:

  • Promoting our school values and encouraging a sense of belonging.

  • Teach about mental health and emotional wellbeing as part of a comprehensive PSHE curriculum.

  • Promoting pupil voice and opportunities to participate in decision making.

  • Celebrating academic and non-academic achievements in order to promote self-esteem.

  • Offering a dedicated calm, safe space in all classrooms where children can take a moment to pause, reflect and regulate their emotions.

  • Adhering to a positive, restorative approach to behaviour management. 

  • Access to appropriate support that meets the children’s needs. We have a dedicated team of learning mentors, ELSA Practitioners (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) to provide further support to children who may need it.

  • Helping children to understand their emotions and feelings better and to feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries through our Jigsaw PSHE mindful approach, circle time and dedicated assemblies.

  • Helping children to develop emotional resilience, grow a growth mindset and to manage setbacks.

  • Help children socially, to form and maintain positive, healthy relationships.

  • Promote self-esteem and ensure children know that they matter.

Good mental health and wellbeing is just as important as good physical health. Like physical health, mental health can range across a spectrum from healthy to unwell; it can fluctuate on a daily basis and change over time. We include Place 2 Be Children Mental Health Awareness Week and Mental Health Awareness Week in the school calendar and plan activities for the whole school.

What do I do if I am worried about my child’s mental health or wellbeing?

If you are ever worried about your child’s mental health and wellbeing then, just as you would about any concerns that you have about their learning, come and talk to us. Sometimes children will need additional support for a short period - this may be in the form of a daily check-in with a trusted adult, time to talk through what they are feeling and support in developing ways of moving forward with this. 

If your child is in distress for a long time, if their negative feelings are stopping them from getting on with their lives, if their distress is disrupting family lids or if they are repeatedly behaving in ways you would not expect at their age, then please speak to your child’s teacher.

In addition, you can go to your GP as a first port of call as they are a useful place to gain medical support and signposting of local services.

Tops tips to support your child’s mental health and emotional wellbeing:

Parent Workshops

Useful Links